abdominelle Kompartimente
anatomical compartments and their connections as demonstrated by ectopic air. Duodenal perforation complicating ERCP in a 60-year-old man. Contrast-enhanced CT scan at the level of right renal hilum (a, b) and iliac crest (c) shows the retroperitoneal and interfascial planes. a Anterior pararenal space (APS) is limited by posterior parietal peritoneum and anterior renal fascia, with midline continuity; posterior pararenal space (PPS) between posterior renal fascia and transversalis layer of endoabdominal fascia; perirenal space (PS) between anterior and posterior renal fascias. Renal and lateroconal fasciae are laminated, defining potential spaces: the retromesenteric (RMP), the retrorenal (RRP) and lateroconal planes (LP) that all communicate at fascial trifurcation. b Axial image focused on fascial trifurcation. Ectopic gas is seen extending through the retromesenteric plane (RMP), retrorenal plane (RRP) and lateroconal plane (LP), and meeting at the fascial trifurcation (red star). Posterior pararenal space (PPS) anteriorly continues as a fat stripe in the properitoneal space (PP). c Inferior extension of the interfascial plane, delineated by ectopic gas/air. The retromesenteric and the retrorenal planes approximate one another as the fat cone of perirenal fat diminishes inferiorly, resulting in the combined interfascial plane (CIP); it continues in the pelvis along the anterolateral margins of the psoas muscle contiguous with the pelvic retroperitoneal perivesical and presacral spaces
anatomical compartments and their connections as demonstrated by ectopic air. Imaging subcutaneous emphysema. Duodenal perforation complicating ERCP in a 75-year old woman. a Chest conventional PA radiography shows linear lucent areas in subcutaneous and chest wall tissues. b, c Contrast-enhanced CT scan at the level of the kidneys. The “lung window” (a) easily depicts the presence of air dissecting the retroperitoneum as well as extending to the abdominal wall; the “soft tissue window” (b) accurately localizes ectopic air/gas in the different planes of retroperitoneum, and in the abdominal muscular and subcutaneous tissue. Air is also seen in the contrast filled gallbladder (red star) with an air-fluid level (ERCP-related findings) and transverse colon (blue triangle)
anatomical compartments and their connections as demonstrated by ectopic air. Emphysematous necrotising pancreatitis in a 64-year-old woman. Contrast-enhanced axial CT scan demonstrates a mottled collection of gas bubbles mainly involving the body and tail of the pancreas; inflammatory changes in the surrounding fat are seen. Gas spread is depicted along the retromesenteric plane and along properitoneal space (red star). RMP retromesenteric plane, APS anterior pararenal space, PP properitoneal space
anatomical compartments and their connections as demonstrated by ectopic air. Duodenal perforation complicating ERCP in a 75-year-old woman. Sagittal reformatted (a) and axial (b) contrast-enhanced CT scan demonstrates the right superior extension of the interfascial plane. The multilaminated retroperitoneum is open towards the upper abdominal extraperitoneal space: the bare area of the liver, and communicates with liver hilum through the subperitoneal space of the hepatoduodenal ligament
abdominelle Kompartimente
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