intramuskuläres Hämangiom
extension of an intramuscular haemangioma of superior rectus: case report and literature review. Orbital CT scan with coronal (A), sagittal (B) and, axial views (C) showing well demarcated mass along the left superior rectus muscle
extension of an intramuscular haemangioma of superior rectus: case report and literature review. Orbital CT scan with coronal (A), sagittal (B) and axial views (C), showing the recurrence of the intramuscular haemangioma with intracranial extension
management of intramuscular hemangioma of the foot: a case report. Plain X-ray showing a widening of the 1st IMS with phleboliths
management of intramuscular hemangioma of the foot: a case report. Foot MRI showing a multi-lobulated hemangioma on the plantar side of the foot taking up the first two metatarsals