Syndrom der geschlängelten Arterien

tortuosity syndrome (variants in SLC2A10 gene) in two pediatric patients in the same city of Spain: a case report. Patient 1. MR angiography at 6 years of age. a 3D TOF acquisition of supra-aortic trunks, without contrast injection. Severely elongated and tortuous vessels. b 3D TOF acquisition of polygon of Willis vessels, without contrast injection. Multiple vascular elongations and loops in Willis polygon, without observing signs of AVM or aneurysms

tortuosity syndrome in two Italian paediatric patients. Radiographic and facial features of the two Patients. i) MRA of Patient 1 showed tortuosity and kinking of aortic arch, mild hypoplasia of descending and abdominal aorta, tortuosity of all the sovraortic trunks with kinking of left common carotid and left subclavian arteries, ectasia of the innominate artery origin, and bilateral reduction of peripheral pulmonary branches. ii) Patient 1 showed elongated face, micrognathia, mild blepharophimosis, downslanting palpebral fissures, beaked nose, high-arched palate. iii) Patient 2 showed elongated face, low-set and anteverted ears, down-slanting palpebral fissures, high nasal bridge.

tortuosity syndrome causing recurrent transient ischemic attacks in young adult: a case report. Three-dimension reconstruction of Intracranial (on the left) and supra-aortic (on the right) trunks from Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) of the ATS patient, showing a marked tortuosity of the vessels, in the absence of dissection, aneurysmal lesions or hemodynamically significant stenoses. R: right

tortuosity syndrome causing recurrent transient ischemic attacks in young adult: a case report. Three-dimension reconstruction of Angio-CT scan of the thoracic and abdominal aorta of the ATS patient, showing tortuosity of thoracic and abdominal vessel without stenosis. R: right
Syndrom der geschlängelten Arterien
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