Meningeom des Kleinhirnbrückenwinkels

A radiologic
review of hoarse voice from anatomic and neurologic perspectives. Meningioma. A 45-year-old woman initially presenting with right sensorineural loss, followed by headache, dysphagia, dysphonia, imbalance, and vasovagal syncope. Coronal (a), sagittal (b), and axial (c) post-contrast T1-weighted MR images reveal a dural-based mass at the right cerebellopontine angle (white arrows) extending into the internal auditory canal, as well as through the jugular foramen into the carotid space. Axial contrast-enhanced CT (d) reveals diffuse hyperostosis of the right temporal bone with opacification of the mastoid air cells (black arrowheads). Overall, findings are consistent with a meningioma. Incidental severe right maxillary sinus mucosal thickening is also seen
Meningeom des Kleinhirnbrückenwinkels
Siehe auch:
- Meningeom
- Tumor Kleinhirnbrückenwinkel
- zerebellopontines Lipom (Lipom im Kleinhirnbrueckenwinkel)
- Vestibularisschwannom
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