juveniles Fibroadenom der Mamma

juvenile fibroadenoma in an 11-year-old girl.. Our patient"s photograph illustrated a lump in the left breast with prominent veins on the skin (head arrow).

juvenile fibroadenoma in an 11-year-old girl.. PA chest X-ray showed a mass in the left breast (asterisk) without evidence of bone involvement, pulmonary nodules or pleural effusion.

juvenile fibroadenoma in an 11-year-old girl.. Ultrasound demonstrated a hypoechoic, well-defined mass replacing most of the normal left breast tissue. It measured 11.3x10.5 cm (APxT).

juvenile fibroadenoma in an 11-year-old girl.. The mass is avascular during colour Doppler evaluation.

juvenile fibroadenoma in an 11-year-old girl.. MRI demonstrated a well-defined mass that was predominantly isointense in T1-weighted images.

juvenile fibroadenoma in an 11-year-old girl.. STIR-T2 sequence showed a hyperintense left breast mass (asterisk) that replaced the normal breast tissue towards the tail of the breast (white arrow).

juvenile fibroadenoma in an 11-year-old girl.. The mass replaced most of the normal breast tissue in this 3D- MIP MRI reconstruction (asterisk).
A juvenile fibroadenoma of the breast is a term given to a fibroadenoma presenting in children or adolescents. These may account for ~0.5-2% of all fibroadenomas, and are rapidly-growing masses that cause asymmetry of the breast, distortion of the overlying skin, and stretching of the nipple.
10-25% of patients with juvenile fibroadenomas have multiple or bilateral lesions at presentation . A juvenile fibroadenoma is usually characterized by prominent stromal cellularity and epithelial hyperplasia.
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