verkalkte retroperitoneale Tumoren

calcified solitary fibrous tumor in the retroperitoneum: a case report and review of the literature. Preoperative images. a, b Images of plain computed tomography on the patient’s first visit. A mass with extremely high densities was located next to the undersurface of the right hepatic lobe and the right kidney (yellow arrows). It was 6.5 cm in the longest diameter. c An image of plain computed tomography 2 years after the patient’s first visit (yellow arrow). There were no remarkable changes of the mass in its appearance or size. d, e Magnetic resonance imaging on the patient’s first visit. The mass showed low signal intensities on both d T1- and e T2-weighted images (red arrows)

challenges of excision of retroperitoneal germ cell tumors in children: a single institutional study with literature review. A 16-year-old girl presenting with lower back pain (patient #8 in Table 1). a Axial image: CT after intravenous contrast shows a retroperitoneal mass with internal fat and ossification consistent with a teratoma. There is thrombosis of the IVC (white arrow) and a close relationship with the celiac axis (arrowhead). b Coronal reformatted image demonstrates the relationship with the right renal artery (black arrow)
verkalkte retroperitoneale Tumoren
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