prostatic stromal sarcoma

diagnosis of uncommon prostate diseases: combining mpMRI and clinical information. Prostatic stromal sarcoma in a 49-year-old man with a mildly elevated serum PSA level of 7.5 ng/mL. a–c Axial fat-suppressed T1WI, ADC maps and T2WI show a mass containing solid and necrotic components (☆). The high signal intensity area on axial fat-suppressed T1WI (a) and the low signal intensity area on ADC maps (b) both suggest a hemorrhagic change (arrowhead). c Coronal fat-suppressed T2WI shows an incomplete capsule around the mass and the right seminal vesicle compressed by the mass (arrowhead). b, d ADC maps and coronal fat-suppressed T2WI show enlarged pelvic lymph nodes (arrow)

diagnosis of uncommon prostate diseases: combining mpMRI and clinical information. Prostatic stromal sarcoma in a 41-year-old man with a normal serum PSA level of 0.784 ng/mL. a Axial T2WI shows an oval mass occupying the prostate with heterogeneous hyperintensity, an incomplete hypointense capsule and compressing the bladder (arrowhead). b, c Axial DWI and ADC maps show cystic areas occupying the majority of the mass (☆), but containing focal solid components with remarkably restricted diffusion (arrow). d Axial fat-suppressed T1WI shows the mass containing a slightly high signal intensity, which suggested a hemorrhagic change (arrow). (e–f) Axial DCE imaging (e) shows that the mass had diffuse but no enhancement of the cystic components (f, curve 2) accompanied by a gradual moderate enhancement restricted to the solid components (f, curve 1)
prostatic stromal sarcoma
Sarkome der Prostata Radiopaedia • CC-by-nc-sa 3.0 • de
Prostate sarcomas are an uncommon and heterogeneous group of tumors arising from mesenchymal cells in and around the prostate (as opposed to the more common prostate adenocarcinoma which derives from the glandular tissue).
In children, the most common tumor type is a prostatic rhabdomyosarcoma, which accounts for approximately a third of all prostatic sarcomas .
In adults, leiomyosarcomas are most common, accounting for approximately a quarter of all cases . Many other sarcomas have been reported although in general they are rare.
Overall, prostatic sarcomas include :
- rhabdomyosarcoma of the prostate: most common in children
- leiomyosarcoma of the prostate: most common in adults
- sarcomatoid carcinoma of the prostate
- malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the prostate
- phyllodes tumor (also known as cystosarcoma phyllodes of the prostate)
- undifferentiated stromal sarcoma of the prostate
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stromal tumor of uncertain malignant potential