Komplikationen Peritonealdialyse
in peritoneal dialysis: CT findings and role. Postcontrast images confirmed loculated peritoneal fluid (*) in upper abdomen, mild uniform enhancing serosal thickening (arrows), atrophied kidneys (arrowheads), oedematous superficial planes along flanks (+).
in peritoneal dialysis: CT findings and role. Compared to Fig.1a-b, current upright (c,d) and supine (e) radiographs showed appearance of air-fluid levels (thin arrows) in distended transverse colon (+) and centralised small bowel loops (*). Air in the rectum.
Komplikationen Peritonealdialyse
peritoneale Dialyse Radiopaedia • CC-by-nc-sa 3.0 • de
A peritoneal dialysis catheter is a flexible tube designed for peritoneal dialysis, the most well-known and widely-used being the Tenckhoff catheter.
In 1968 an American nephrologist Henry A Tenckhoff (d.2017) introduced his eponymous peritoneal indwelling catheter . The major improvements made by Dr Tenckhoff over the Palmer-Quinton catheter, the main one in use at the time, was:
- using the recently discovered inert and flexible Silastic as the catheter material
- the addition of Dacron cuffs near the ends to improve skin anchorage and decrease secondary infection rates
- developing and patenting an insertion trocar
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Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu Komplikationen Peritonealdialyse: