transluminaler Pulmonalklappenersatz

eingebrachter Pulmonalklappenersatz sekundär nach Herz-OP in der Kindheit.

tomography guided sizing for transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement: Multiplanar reformation (MPR) was used to create a double-oblique transverse plane. In this image the internal diameter of the existing bioprosthesis is manually traced, using the imaging software to calculate its cross-sectional area (mm2) and perimeter (mm). The operator then measured the minimum (Dmin = 22.4 mm) and maximum (Dmax = 23 mm) cross-sectional diameters.

pulmonic valve implantation: Techniques, current roles, and future implications: Melody transcatheter pulmonic valve. A: En-face view of Melody transcatheter pulmonic valve; B: Melody valve Ensemble with loaded valve demonstrating the two-stage balloon-in-balloon inflation (Reproduced with permission from Medtronic, Inc, Minneapolis, MN, United States); C: Angiogram after placement of a stainless steel pre-stent; D: 20 mm Melody valve in Antero-posterior and lateral projections.

pulmonic valve implantation: Techniques, current roles, and future implications: Edwards Sapien XTTM. A: Edwards Sapien XTTM valve (Reproduced with permission of Edwards Lifesciences LLC, Irvine, CA, United States); B: Angiogram after placement of a 23 mm Edwards Sapien XTTM valve in a Contegra conduit stented with a stainless-steel stent up dilated up to 22 mm.