
Hemosiderosis (plural: haemosideroses) is a general term referring to the accumulation of hemosiderin, which particularly occurs in the reticuloendothelial system (RES) and does not cause organ damage.


Some causes include:

  • frequent transfusions
    • mainly depositional siderosis in reticuloendothelial system (RES)
    • if >40 units transfused: then may cause hemochromatosis (non-RES iron deposition)
  • high erythrogenic requirements (hemolytic anemiamyelodysplasia)
    • mainly depositional siderosis in RES from transfusion
    • increased duodenal iron absorption may lead to hemochromatosis (non-RES iron deposition)
  • bantu siderosis: rare cause in Africa due to iron-laden locally brewed beer

See also

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