Lebermetastasen bei Mammakarzinom
secondary to chemotherapy of breast cancer liver metastases. Right-sided malignant pleural effusion (*) with pleural thickening and masses (arrowheads) and lung atelectatic consolidations (+). Enlarged liver disseminated with innumerable peripherally-enhancing lesions consistent with hypovascular metastases, measuring up to 5 cm in size.
secondary to chemotherapy of breast cancer liver metastases. Abdominal axial post-contrast images (a...c in craniocaudal order) showed hepatomegaly with regular margins, disseminated with innumerable peripherally-enhancing lesions consistent with hypovascular metastases, measuring up to 5 cm in size.
secondary to chemotherapy of breast cancer liver metastases. Abdominal axial post-contrast images (a...c in craniocaudal order) showed hepatomegaly with regular margins, disseminated with innumerable peripherally-enhancing lesions consistent with hypovascular metastases, measuring up to 5 cm in size.
Lebermetastasen bei Mammakarzinom
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