adrenal lymphoma

features of adrenal masses. Left adrenal lymphomatous lesion in a 70-year-old man with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Coronal reformatted CT images before (a) and after contrast injection in portal phase (b) show a large left adrenal mass (arrow) with inhomogeneous enhancement. Axial CT image of the lower abdomen in portal phase (c; arrow) shows the gastrointestinal involvement by lymphoma as aneurysmal dilatation of some loops of the small bowel
Adrenal lymphoma can refer to:
- primary adrenal lymphoma: rare
- can be bilateral in around 70% of cases
- secondary involvement of the adrenal glands with lymphoma: more common
Clinical presentation
The presentation can be variable and may include adrenal insufficiency, worsening general state, weight loss, and abdominal pain.
Radiographic features
Maybe seen as bulky adrenal masses. Often difficult to use bilaterality to differentiate primary versus secondary since the former can be bilateral in a considerable portion of cases.
Usually of soft tissue attenuation (40-60 HU) with mild progressive enhancement after contrast medium administration .
Nuclear medicine
- often FDG avid
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