Kaposisarkom der Lunge

Kaposi sarcoma in a human immunodeficiency virus – infected woman: a case report. HRCT scan obtained with lung window shows diffuse peribronchovascular thickening and small nodules bilaterally. There are also nodules in the fissures and interlobular septal thickening.

Chronic cough
conundrum: a case report of a new diagnosis of HIV and pulmonary Kaposi’s sarcoma. Upright AP Chest x-ray with bilateral, diffuse, airspace opacities was read as consistent with multilobar pneumonia possibly due to TB, MAI, aspergillosis or recurrent aspiration. The patient was ultimately determined to have pulmonary Kaposi’s sarcoma

Kaposi sarcoma in a human immunodeficiency virus – infected woman: a case report. HRCT scan obtained with lung window shows diffuse peribronchovascular thickening and small nodules bilaterally. There are also nodules in the fissures and interlobular septal thickening.

Kaposi sarcoma in a human immunodeficiency virus – infected woman: a case report. HRCT scan obtained with lung window shows diffuse peribronchovascular thickening and small nodules bilaterally. There are also nodules in the fissures and interlobular septal thickening.

Kaposi"s sarcoma after heart transplantation: a case report. Lung imaging. Computed tomography displaying the progressively growing tumors (arrows) in the left (A) and right (B) lung.

involvement in Kaposi sarcoma: correlation between imaging and pathology. A to C. Chest X-rays of three patients with pulmonary KS showing bilateral paracardiac infiltration. Confluent lesions are most evident in C.

involvement in Kaposi sarcoma: correlation between imaging and pathology. A and B. High-resolution CT scans of two patients with pulmonary KS showing peribronchovascular thickening and irregular narrowing of the bronchial lumen.

involvement in Kaposi sarcoma: correlation between imaging and pathology. High-resolution CT scan at the level of the main bronchi of a patient with pulmonary KS, showing diffuse ill-defined large nodules and paracardiac peribronchovascular thickening.

involvement in Kaposi sarcoma: correlation between imaging and pathology. High-resolution CT scan of a patient with pulmonary KS at the level of the main bronchi shows ground-glass attenuation areas in the posterior regions of both lungs, which correspond to pulmonary hemorrhage. Peribronchovascular thickening is observed in the right lung, as well as bilateral pleural effusion.

involvement in Kaposi sarcoma: correlation between imaging and pathology. A to D. High-resolution CT scans (A and B) of two patients with pulmonary KS that demonstrate marked peribronchovascular and interlobular septal thickening and the presence of small parenchimal nodules. Photomicrographs of histologic specimen show tumor cells infiltrating the periarteriolar connective tissue (C), and a neoplastic parenchymal nodule with indistinct borders (D) (HE, ×40).

involvement in Kaposi sarcoma: correlation between imaging and pathology. A to D. High-resolution CT scans at the level of the upper lobe (A) and the lower lobe (B), of two patients with pulmonary KS, show extensive interlobular septal and peribronchovascular thickening. Photomicrographs of histologic specimens (C and D) show thickening of interlobular septa due to edema and tumor cells infiltration (HE, ×40).

involvement in Kaposi sarcoma: correlation between imaging and pathology. A and B. High-resolution CT scan (A) shows areas of ground-glass attenuation and interlobular septal thickening in the upper lobes. A crazy-paving pattern is observed in the right upper lobe. Photomicrograph of histologic section (B) demonstrates infiltration of the interlobular septa due to edema and neoplastic cells and also edema filling the alveolar airspace (HE, ×40).

involvement in Kaposi sarcoma: correlation between imaging and pathology. CT scan (mediastinal window) at the level of the carina of a patient with pulmonary KS shows bilateral pleural effusion.

involvement in Kaposi sarcoma: correlation between imaging and pathology. A and B. High-resolution CT scan at the level of the main bronchi (A) of a patient with pulmonary KS demonstrates irregularity of the pleural surfaces and nodularity of the oblique fissures bilaterally. Photomicrograph of histologic section (B) demonstrates a neoplastic nodule adjacent to the pleural surface (HE, ×40).
Kaposisarkom der Lunge
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