Osteonekrose Femur

dissecans and Osgood Schlatter disease in a family with Stickler syndrome. Patient 1: Anteroposterior knee radiograph at age of 15 years shows osteochondritis dissecans of the distal femoral epiphysis with areas of evident epiphyseal necrosis (arrows).

dissecans and Osgood Schlatter disease in a family with Stickler syndrome. Patient 1: Coronal MR image of the knee at age of 17 years shows progressive and lesion from the underlying subchondral bone with apparent anterior separation of the articular surface with evidence of epiphyseal friability. Note the bony fragment had resulted in a concave crater on the femoral condyle with steeply sloping edges (arrows)

• Osteonecrosis of the knee - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia