synoviale Plicae des Kniegelenks

plicae (knee) • Superior patellar plica - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

plicae (knee) • Infraction of the medial femoral condyle with hemarthrosis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

plicae (knee) • Infrapatellar plica injury - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

plicae (knee) • Suprapatellar plica syndrome - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

An acquired
plica-induced notch in the medial femoral condyle in a patient with medial patellar plica syndrome: a case report. Preoperative axial (a) and sagittal (b) proton density-weighted images showing medial patellar plica (white arrows). c Idiopathic groove is observed in the articular surface of the medial femoral condyle (white asterisk). d Postoperative axial proton density-weighted image after excision of the medial patellar plica

An acquired
plica-induced notch in the medial femoral condyle in a patient with medial patellar plica syndrome: a case report. Intraoperative arthroscopic views. a Medial patellar plica (MPP) with a tight and hypertrophic margin is observed, along with an abnormal notch in articular surface of the medial femoral condyle beneath the MPP (black asterisk). b The MPP runs downwards and merges with the synovial membrane covering the infrapatellar fat pad. c The MPP becomes impinged in the patellofemoral joint above an abnormal notch of the medial femoral condyle (black asterisk). d The MPP is excised with scissor forceps
Synovial plicae are folds of synovium, thought to represent embryologic remnants. They are common, present in ~90% of arthroscopies .
They have been implicated in anterior knee pain and possibly in chondromalacia patellae although their role remains controversial .
Gross anatomy
Some plicae have been described with multiple names in the literature representing the same structure :
- medial patellar plica: most common symptomatic plica
- suprapatellar plica / superior patellar plica
- infrapatellar plica / ligamentum mucosum: most common knee plica
- lateral patellar plica: rare (<1%)
They range in shape from a ridge or shelf to more discrete cord-like structure .
Radiographic features
CT arthrography
Maybe seen as a shelf like band
- PD/T2: typically seen as a band-like low signal structure traversing through the joint space (arthrography study or when joint effusion is present)
Related pathology
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Plica infrapatellaris