

Zysten des Larynx RadiopaediaCC-by-nc-sa 3.0de

Laryngeal cysts can occur in any part of the larynx, but are more frequent in supraglottic locations, such as the epiglottis and vallecula. The prevalence of each location varies on different studies.


The laryngeal cysts represent a rare group, about 5%, of benign laryngeal lesions . There is no gender predilection .

Clinical presentation

Normally they are examination findings in patients with non-specific symptoms or who are asymptomatic. Patients can have laryngeal stridor or dyspnea .

The lesions can cause significant respiratory obstruction, and even death, if not properly treated.

Radiographic features


Well-defined, fluid-attenuation, non-enhancing rounded lesion.


Well-defined, fluid signal intensity, non-enhancing rounded lesion.

Treatment and prognosis

Different forms of treatment have been described for laryngeal cysts, such as aspiration, marsupialisation with laser ablation and complete excision. Recurrence is directly related to the maintenance of remnants of the cyst wall .

Differential diagnosis 

General imaging differential considerations include:

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