AIDS-related pulmonary lymphoma
AIDS-related pulmonary lymphoma (ARPL) is classified as a distinct form of pulmonary lymphoma. Pulmonary involvement is a common extranodal site in AIDS-related NHL.
ARPL is typically a high-grade B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and the majority of patients have advanced HIV infection, with a mean CD4 count of around 67/mm .
Diagnostic criteria
According to some publications, the diagnostic criteria for pulmonary involvement requires :
- positive HIV status
- histologically proven lymphomatous pulmonary involvement
- absence of mediastinal and/or hilar adenopathy on chest radiography
- absence of extrathoracic lymphoma extension
Radiographic features
CT - HRCT chest
Features can be variable and can include:
- multiple peripheral well-defined nodules of varying sizes
- usually, measure around 1-5 cm in diameter
- reflect dense focal monomorphic cellular infiltrates
- considered the commonest manifestation
- centrilobular nodules
- subpleural parenchymal infiltrative changes
- peribronchovascular reticular infiltrative changes
- peripheral mass-like regions (may have associated cavitation).
- interlobular septal thickening
See also