Posteromedial knee friction syndrome

Posteromedial knee friction syndrome is a recently described cause of posteromedial knee pain in active young individuals. It is thought to be due to narrowing of the space between the posteromedial femoral condyle, sartorius and/or gracilis tendons.

Clinical presentation

Patients present with medial knee pain which is often clinically suspected to be due to a meniscal tear.

Radiographic features

It is occult on radiographs and CT.


Focal area of high signal intensity on T2 or PD weighted fat-saturated images (edema) involving the soft tissue between the posteromedial femoral condyle (PMFC) and the sartorius and/or gracilis tendons. In severe cases, it is associated with bone marrow edema of the PMFC.

In 27%, it is associated with patellar tendon lateral femoral condyle friction syndrome.

Treatment and prognosis

It can be treated with ultrasound-guided corticosteroid injection .