Hemorrhagic pneumonia
Hemorrhagic pneumonia refers to a descriptive term for pneumonia (infective - inflammatory consolidation of the lung) when is complicated by pulmonary hemorrhage. It can be localized or diffuse to varying degrees dependent on the extent of involvement +/- etiological agent.
The precipitation of hemorrhagic pneumonia can occur due to a number of factors including host as well as organism factors. These include:
Host factors
- coagulopathy
- medications: anticoagulants
Infective agents: some are more likely than others and include
- concomitant with Chlamydia pneumoniae and parainfluenza virus 4 pneumonia
- Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia
- Stenotrophomonas maltophilia pneumonia
- group A streptococcal pneumonia
- influenza virus: rare
- pulmonary leptospirosis: rare