Elbow bursae

The elbow bursae are a collection of synovial-lined bursae that exist around the elbow.  They can be divided into bursae around the olecranon and in the cubital fossa.

Olecranon bursae
  • superficial olecranon bursa: lies between the olecranon and the subcutaneous tissue.
  • subtendinous olecranon bursa: lies between the tip of the olecranon and deep to the triceps brachii tendon .
  • intratendinous olecranon bursa: lies within the triceps brachii tendon near its insertion onto the olecranon .
Cubital bursae
  • bicipitoradial bursa: lies between the distal biceps brachii tendon and the tuberosity of the radius .
  • interosseous bursa: lies along side the brachialis muscle and adjacent to the biceps brachii tendon in the medial antecubital fossa.  It occurs in ~20% of individuals .

Other less common bursae include

  • olecranon bursa (can have several components)
  • subcutaneous bursa of medial epicondyle
  • subcutaneous bursa of lateral epicondyle
  • bursa of anconeus / subanconeous bursae
  • bursa at origin of extensor carpi radialis brevis
  • ulna nerve bursae .