Pulmonary meningothelial like nodules

Pulmonary meningothelial-like nodules, also referred to as minute pulmonary meningothelial‐like nodules, are rare incidental interstitial pulmonary nodules that can be solitary or diffuse (diffuse pulmonary meningotheliomatosis).


They previously called pulmonary chemodectomas, but as further studies revealed they resemble meningothelial cells and do not contain endocrine granules .


The reported incidence can be variable from 0.3-9.5% at autopsy or surgical specimens.


They share some histologic, ultrastructural, and immunohistochemical features with meningiomas (resemble meningothelial cells) but are different from the latter based on the major molecular genetic events seen in their formation and progression .

They lack neuroendocrine features and differ from mesothelium.


They tend to be randomly distributed in alveolar septa with no consistent relation to small blood vessels .

Treatment and prognosis

At the time of writing (early 2018) they are considered benign in nature .