ACC/AHA classification of coronary lesions
ACC/AHA classification of coronary lesions is a system use to classify coronary arterial calcific plaque burden. It is classified as
- type A
- discrete (<10 mm)
- concentric
- nonangulated segment <45º
- smooth contour
- little or no calcification
- less than totally occlusive
- not ostial in location
- no major branch involvement
- absence of thrombus
- type B
- tubular (10-20 mm)
- eccentric
- moderate tortuosity of proximal segment
- moderately angulated, 45-90º
- irregular contour
- moderate to heavy calcification
- ostial in location
- bifurcation lesions requiring double guidewires
- some thrombus present
- this can be sub classified into two sub categories
- type B1: having one of the above characteristics
- type B2: having two or more of the above characteristics
- type C
- diffuse
- excessive tortuosity of proximal segment
- extremely angulated, >90º
- inability to protect major side branch
- degenerated vein graft with friable lesions
See also