prostate cystic disease
MRI pulse
sequence abbreviations • Prostatic abscess (MRI) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
cystic disease • Midline prostatic cyst - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Prostate cystic disease encompasses a wide variety of pathologies that all result in cyst formation within the prostate.
Prostatic cysts are common, and ~5-8% men will develop one . However they are much more common in patients being investigated for infertility, with one study showing a 20% prevalence .
- midline cystic lesions/cyst-like lesions
- Mullerian duct cyst
- prostatic utricle cyst
- ejaculatory duct cyst (tends to be more paramedian )
- cystadenoma of prostate
- ductus deferens cyst
- TURP defect
- lateral cystic lesions
Siehe auch:
- Adenokarzinom der Prostata
- Zyste des Utriculus prostaticus
- TURP defect
- Zysten des Müller-Gangs
- cystic degeneration of benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Prostataabszess
- diverticular prostatitis
- cystic prostatic carcinoma
- parasitic prostatic cyst
- prostatic retention cyst
- Tuberkulose der Prostata
- ejaculatory duct cyst
- vas deferens cyst
- Zystadenom der Prostata
- Samenblasenzyste
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu zystische Läsionen der Prostata: