American Dental Association Universal Numbering System
The American Dental Association Universal Numbering System is a tooth notation system primarily used in the United States.
Teeth are numbered from the viewpoint of the dental practitioner looking into the open mouth, clockwise starting from the distalmost right maxillary teeth.
Permanent teeth
Right maxillary
- 1: third molar (wisdom tooth)
- 2: second molar (12-year molar)
- 3: first molar (6-year molar)
- 4: second premolar (bicuspid)
- 5: first premolar (bicuspid)
- 6: canine (cuspid)
- 7: lateral incisor
- 8: central incisor
Left maxillary
- 9: central incisor
- 10: lateral incisor
- 11: canine (cuspid)
- 12: first premolar (bicuspid)
- 13: second premolar (bicuspid)
- 14: first molar (6-year molar)
- 15: second molar (12-year molar)
- 16: third molar (wisdom tooth)
Left mandibular
- 17: third molar (wisdom tooth)
- 18: second molar (12-year molar)
- 19: first molar (6-year molar)
- 20: second premolar (bicuspid)
- 21: first premolar (bicuspid)
- 22: canine (cuspid)
- 23: lateral incisor
- 24: central incisor
Right mandibular
- 25: central incisor
- 26: lateral incisor
- 27: canine (cuspid)
- 28: first premolar (bicuspid)
- 29: second premolar (bicuspid)
- 30: first molar (6-year molar)
- 31: second molar (12-year molar)
- 32: third molar (wisdom tooth)
Primary teeth
Right maxillary
- A: second molar
- B: first molar
- C: canine
- D: lateral incisor
- E: central incisor
Left maxillary
- F: central incisor
- G: lateral incisor
- H: canine
- I: first molar
- J: second molar
Left mandibular
- K: second molar
- L: first molar
- M: canine
- N: lateral incisor
- O: central incisor
Right mandibular
- P: central incisor
- Q: lateral incisor
- R: canine
- S: first molar
- T: second molar
See also
- Fédération Dentaire Internationale (FDI) notation, used in the rest of the world