blinde (verschlossene) Hemivagina

syndrome. Two separate uterine cavities with two separate cervices (uterus didelphys) and a voluminous haematometrocolpos. A large cystic mass adjacent to the right uterus is identified that corresponds to a haematosalpinx (arrow).

syndrome. Cystic pelvic lesion with fine internal echoes (arrow) measuring 60x85mm located posterior to the bladder.

syndrome. Axial MRI images showed T1 hyperintense fluid collection (a) intermediate signal intensity on T2-weighted images (b): haematocolpos. The image corresponds to the one shown by the ultrasound examination (figure 1).

syndrome. Axial MRI images showed T1 hyperintense fluid collection (a) intermediate signal intensity on T2-weighted images (b): haematocolpos. The image corresponds to the one shown by the ultrasound examination (figure 1).
blinde (verschlossene) Hemivagina
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Hemivagina und ipsilaterale renale Anomalie (OHVIRA) Syndrom