myxopapilläres Ependymom des Sakrums

giant sacral myxopapillary ependymoma with massive osteolysis. T2-weighted image in the axial plane: hyperintensity of a mass originating from the sacrum and extending into the presacral space.

giant sacral myxopapillary ependymoma with massive osteolysis. Axial T1-weighted image: hypointense mass originating form the sacrum and extendimg into the presacral space.

giant sacral myxopapillary ependymoma with massive osteolysis. Hyperintensity on DWI (a) and hypointensity on ADC (b) of a sacral mass, indicating hypercellularity.

giant sacral myxopapillary ependymoma with massive osteolysis. Weak contrast enhancement of a sacral mass after Gadolinium administration.

giant sacral myxopapillary ependymoma with massive osteolysis. T2-weighted paracoronal image of a hyperintense sacral mass originating form the spinal canal.

giant sacral myxopapillary ependymoma with massive osteolysis. Hyperintense large sacral mass originating from the spinal canal, as shown on midsagittal T2-weighted image (a). The mass involves the sacrum and extends into the presacral space (b).

giant sacral myxopapillary ependymoma with massive osteolysis. Axial CT image showing an osteolytic mass invading the sacrum and the presacral space; no calcifications within the mass.
myxopapilläres Ependymom des Sakrums
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