Kavernom der Medulla oblongata

angioma of the medulla oblongata. Axial NECT shows a round haematic hyperdensity in the bulb.

angioma of the medulla oblongata. MRI shows a mass, localized in a bulbar, median topography, grossly rounded, measuring about 17 x 17 x 27 mm larger (AP x transverse x height), with heterogeneous intensities on axial FLAIR.

angioma of the medulla oblongata. MRI shows a mass, localized in a bulbar, median topography, grossly rounded, with an haemorrhagic element, this one showing prominent hypointense "blooming" on axial T2*.

angioma of the medulla oblongata. Comparing sagittal T1WI with and without contrast agent, no enhancement was seen.

angioma of the medulla oblongata. Comparing sagittal T1WI with and without contrast agent, no enhancement was seen.