Aberrations in the normal development and involution of the breast
Aberrations in the Normal Development and Involution of the breast (ANDI) is an all-encompassing term that is used to describe a wide spectrum of the benign breast diseases. As the name suggests, it is based on the theory that most of the encountered benign breast disorders are essentially minor aberrations in the normal development process, hormonal response and involution of the breast.
Disorders of development:
- polymastia and polythelia
- accessory axillary breast tissue
- congenital nipple retraction
- macromastia
- fibroadenoma
- phyllodes tumor
- adolescent hypertrophy
Disorders of cyclical change:
- mastalgia
- nodularity
Disorders of involution:
- fibrocystic change:
- cysts
- fibrosis
- sclerosing adenosis
- periductal mastitis