Anomalien des Hoffa'schen Fettkörpers

Hoffa’s fat
pad abnormalities, knee pain and magnetic resonance imaging in daily practice. Suprahoffatic recess and infrahoffatic recess. Sagittal proton density with fat saturation MRI images show fluid in suprapatellar pouch, suprahoffatic recess (arrow, a) and infrahoffatic recess (arrow, b); a communication between the vertical and horizontal recesses may be present (arrow, c)

Hoffa’s fat
pad abnormalities, knee pain and magnetic resonance imaging in daily practice. Infrapatellar thickened plica. Sagittal T1w (a) and proton density with fat saturation (b) MR images show thickened infrapatellar plica (arrows) with associated oedema of HFP
Anomalien des Hoffa'schen Fettkörpers
Siehe auch:

Veränderungen des Hoffa"schen Fettkörpers nach Arthroskopie oder Kniechirurgie
Veränderungen des Hoffa"schen Fettkörpers