appropriate position of the PICC

infant after PICC placementCXR AP shows a right upper extremity PICC whose tip projects over the superior vena cava.The diagnosis was appropriate position of the PICC.

newborn after PICC placementAXR AP and lateral shows a right lower extremity PICC with its tip within the inferior vena cava anterior to the spine at the level of T11. The tip of the umbilical venous catheter is within the ductus venosus.The diagnosis was appropriate position of the PICC and low malposition of the umbilical venous catheter.

Newborn with
abnormal prenatal echocardiogram after PICC placementAXR AP shows a left lower extremity PICC and a right femoral venous catheter both of whose tips project over a left-sided inferior vena cava. An umbilical venous catheter tip projects over the ductus venosus. An umbilical arterial catheter tip projects at the level of T9. Nasogastric tube tip projects over the stomach in the right upper quadrant. Feeding tube tip projects transpylorically over the duodenal bulb. The cardiac apex is in the right chest.The diagnosis was appropriate position of the PICC and low malposition of the umbilical venous catheter in a patient with situs inversus.