Arteria mesenterica intermedia

A middle
mesenteric artery: Arteriogram of the arteries of the large intestine with the catheter positioned in the superior mesenteric artery. A superior mesenteric artery, B inferior mesenteric artery, C middle colic artery (originates directly from the aorta), a ileo-colic artery, d left colic artery, e sigmoid artery arising from the left colic artery. Branches of the middle colic artery: f right colic artery, g right middle colic artery, h median middle colic artery, i left middle colic artery

mesenteric artery: Angiographic and three-dimensional computed tomography findings: Fig. 1. (A) Superior mesenteric artery angiogram. No artery was shown coursing to the transverse colon from any branch of SMA. (B) Selective angiogram of the middle mesenteric artery. The area from the hepatic flexure to the splenic flexure is supplied so-called the middle colic artery. (C) Inferior mesenteric artery originates from the aorta at its normal position. SMA, superior mesenteric artery.

mesenteric artery: Angiographic and three-dimensional computed tomography findings: Fig. 2. 3D-computed tomography. The middle mesenteric artery (arrow) originates from 12 mm cranial to IMA (arrow head). IMA, inferior mesenteric artery.
Die Arteria mesenterica intermedia (engl. middle mesenteric artery) ist eine seltene Gefäßvariante, die zwischen der A. mesenterica superior und der A. mesenterica inferior direkt aus der Aorta entspringt und ein Versorgungsgebiet ähnlich dem der A. colica media übernimmt.
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Varianten der
Arteria mesenterica superior