Azinuszellkarzinom der Prostata

diagnosis of uncommon prostate diseases: combining mpMRI and clinical information. Mixed ductal and acinar adenocarcinoma in an 87-year-old man with dysuria for 12 months and a serum PSA level of 30.24 ng/mL. a–c Axial T2-, axial T1-, and coronal fat-suppressed T2-weighted imaging show a multilocular cyst mass occupying the prostate, periprostatic fat and bilateral seminal vesicles (black arrow on c), with heterogeneous signal intensity in cysts and multifocal solid areas (arrowheads on a), and a cyst with a thick wall and a mural nodule (arrows on a, b). d, e DWI at a b-value of 1000 s/mm2 and ADC maps show inhomogenously restricted diffusion of the solid areas (arrowheads) and the thick wall (arrows). f DCE imaging shows heterogeneous enhancement of the mass
Azinuszellkarzinom der Prostata
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