BJR|case reports

BJR|case reports is an open-access case report journal published by the British Institute of Radiology (BIR). Its Editor-in-Chief is Giuseppe Guglielmi.

About the journal

BJR|case reports accepts case reports, case reviews (i.e. a case series with related review article) and technical reports from radiology and radiation oncology and their related disciplines, including radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, radiation protection and physics. The journal is published four times a year, increasing its volume number sequentially per annum, it is currently on volume four.

It operates a standard double-blind peer-review process and their website states that articles are accepted to online publication within three weeks. As per the open-access model, submitted articles that are accepted for publication require payment of a fee by the authors.

Its current (and first) Editor-in-Chief is Giuseppe Guglielmi, a professor of radiology at the University of Foggia in Italy.

History and etymology

BJR|case reports was launched towards the end of 2014 with the first articles published online in March 2015. The first issue of BJR|case reports was published in May 2015, and it has been published quarterly since.
The 'BJR' in the title stands for British Journal of Radiology, which is a sister publication, however this is always abbreviated to BJR when the journal's name appears in print.