Brunner gland hyperplasia
Brunner gland hyperplasia results from disproportionate overgrowth of Brunner glands in the duodenum as a result of hyperacidity.
Hyperplasia begins at the pylorus and extends distally within the first 2/3 of the duodenum. Where the focal growth of hyperplastic cells is greater than 1 cm in diameter, the hyperplastic region is referred to as Brunner gland adenoma.
There are certain morphologic types:
- diffuse nodular hyperplasia
- circumscribed nodular hyperplasia (superpapillary portion)
- single adenomatous hyperplastic polyp (duodenal bulb)
Radiographic features
- multiple nodular filling defects (usually the 1portion of duodenum)
- cobblestoning
- rarely, single large mass with central ulceration
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