Canalis petromastoideus

petromastoideus. Zusätzlich deutliche Verkalkungen des Ohrknorpels.

petromastoideus beidseits. Rechts sklerosiertes, mutmaßlich postentzündlich verändertes Mastoid.

subarcuatis beidseits in der Computertomografie axial, aufgrund des geringen Kalibers mit Partialvolumeneffekt.

The petromastoid (or subarcuate) canal is a channel in the petrous temporal bone that joins the mastoid antrum to the posterior cranial fossa. It contains the subarcuate artery and vein .
The canal has been categorized by its size :
- type I - invisible
- type II - less than 0.5 mm width
- type III - 0.5-1 mm width
- type IV - greater than 1 mm width
Radiographic features
On petrous temporal bone fine slices, the petromastoid canal is seen as a thin canal between the anterior and posterior part of the superior semicircular canal. It can easily be mistaken for a fracture line.
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