Cholangiocarcinoma (staging)

Cholangiocarcinoma staging is most commonly classified using the TNM staging systems of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC)/Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), which starting January 1, 2018 is according to its 8 edition. There are separate systems depending on whether the cholangiocarcinoma arises primarily from intrahepatic, perihilar/hilar (Klatskin), or extrahepatic (distal) bile ducts . These are detailed separately:

See also

The staging system should be distinguished from anatomic classifications of cholangiocarcinoma:

  • Liver Cancer Study Group of Japan classification of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma macroscopic types: mass-forming, periductal-infiltrating, and intraductal growth
  • Bismuth-Corlette classification of perihilar cholangiocarcinoma