CNS embryonal tumour not otherwise specified (NOS)
embryonal tumour with mostly extra-axial extension into cerebellopontine angle: A case report. Axial T2W images show T2 isointense mostly extra-axial mass lesion in left CP angle with perifocal oedema and mass effect.
embryonal tumour with mostly extra-axial extension into cerebellopontine angle: A case report. DWI and ADC maps show restricted diffusion in left CP angle tumour.
embryonal tumour with mostly extra-axial extension into cerebellopontine angle: A case report. Axial GRE image show no evidence of blooming.
embryonal tumour with mostly extra-axial extension into cerebellopontine angle: A case report. Axial post-contrast T1 images show heterogeneous post-contrast enhancement.
embryonal tumour with mostly extra-axial extension into cerebellopontine angle: A case report. Coronal post-contrast T1 images show heterogeneous enhancement.
CNS embryonal tumour not otherwise specified (NOS)