cystadenoma of the rete testis

Cystadenoma of the rete testis is a rare cystic testicular tumor. It does not have specific imaging features, but may be suggested in the differential of a large multiloculated cystic tumor involving the testicle. It cannot be radiologically differentiated from cystadenocarcinoma.


Reported in patients aged 26-66 years old. No known risk factors.


Histologically, some cystadenoma variants may resemble Sertoli cells, and has been termed "sertoliform cystadenoma".

Radiographic features

  • multilocular cystic tumor
  • may extend from the intratesticular mediastinum testis into the extratesticular space
  • solid nodular components are possible, but uncommon

Treatment and prognosis

Surgical excision is usually the treatment of choice. Recurrence is possible, so post surgical follow up is usually necessary.

Differential diagnosis

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