Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT)

round cell tumour of pleura with liver and spine metastases: Uncommon pathology with grave prognosis. Axial plain (A) and contrast (B) scan shows heterogeneously enhancing nodular thickening encasing the LT hemithorax forming the rind with shifting of mediastinum towards RT side. Mediastinal fat invasion was noted. Visualized ribs appear normal.

round cell tumour of pleura with liver and spine metastases: Uncommon pathology with grave prognosis. Axial contrast images at subcarinal (A) and supradiaphragmatic level (B) show heterogeneously enhancing nodular thickening with involvement of mediastinal vascular and diaphragmatic pleura involvement.

round cell tumour of pleura with liver and spine metastases: Uncommon pathology with grave prognosis. Axial contrast images of upper abdomen (A, B) show multiple liver metastases, hepatomegaly with mild peri-splenic collection. Great vessels appear spared.

round cell tumour of pleura with liver and spine metastases: Uncommon pathology with grave prognosis. Coronal reformation demonstrates multiple hypodense lesions in the lower thoracic spine (metastasis) with heterogeneously enhancing nodular thickening on LT side causing collapse of underlying lung parenchyma.
desmoplastischer klein- und rundzelliger Tumor (DSRCT)
Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT)
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