Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (more commonly known as the DSM) is published by the American Psychiatric Association and is the most widely used guide to psychiatric diseases in clinical practice and research globally. The first edition was published in 1952; the latest, the fifth edition, and known as DSM-5 - came out in the United States in 2013 .
For each mental health disorder in the DSM-5, is information on its prevalence, risk factors, prognosis and diagnosis, and a designated numeric code for classification.
History of DSM edition
- DSM-I: 1952
- DSM-II: 1968
- DSM-III: 1980
- DSM-III-R: 1987
- DSM-IV: 1994
- DSM-IV-TR (Text Revised): 2000
- DSM-5: 2013
Number of diagnoses
The number of diagnoses contained in the "manual" between the first and fifth editions, has practically quadrupled: from 128 to 541.