double-layered patella

Double-Layered Patella (DLP) with supra-patellar impingement. Left and right knee with two patellar layers and normal patellofemoral joint space.

Double-Layered Patella (DLP) with supra-patellar impingement. Cartilage tissue between the two layers. The anterior osseous patellar layer is attached to the extensor mechanism.

Double-Layered Patella (DLP) with supra-patellar impingement. Cartilage tissue between the two layers. The anterior osseous patellar layer is attached to the extensor mechanism.

Double-Layered Patella (DLP) with supra-patellar impingement. Abnormal convex posterior border of the suprapatellar fat pad associated with fluid like signal replacing the normal suprapatellar fat pad.

Double-Layered Patella (DLP) with supra-patellar impingement. Cartilage between the two patellar layers.

layered patella • Double-layered patella - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Patella (DLP) in Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia (MED): Sagittal PD fat-sat image confirming the double-layered patella. This image also demonstrates a significant intra-articular fluid effusion, as well as some fluid in the Hoffa patpad. A: anterior patellar segment; P: posterior patellar segment.

Patella (DLP) in Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia (MED): Axial PD fat-sat image demonstrating that both the anterior and posterior patellar segment have their own cartilage layer (arrows).
A double-layered patella (DLP) is a rare form of bipartite patella.
It is a congenital anomaly which presents with multiple fragmented patellae with smooth, well-corticated borders. A double-layered patella is considered pathognomonic for multiple epiphyseal dysplasia.
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