Duplikationszyste des Dünndarms

duplication cysts in children: varied presentations, varied imaging findings. An 11-month-old boy with abdominal pain is studied. a US view showing the typical US features of an EDC: an inner hyperechoic epithelial lining containing the mucosa of the alimentary tract (wide arrow) and the outer hypoechoic layer of smooth muscle (white long arrow), closely attached to the gastrointestinal tract by sharing a common wall. RK right kidney. b Surgical findings: typical ileal EDC. c Detailed picture of the EDC after resection from the ileal wall

duplication cysts in children: varied presentations, varied imaging findings. A 3-month-old boy with vomiting is admitted to the emergency room. a US shows a cystic round-shape lesion with the “five-layers sign” (between arrows). b The “Y sign” is seen (long arrow). Star ileum, L liver. Laparoscopic findings: a non-complicated ileal duplication cyst

duplication cysts in children: varied presentations, varied imaging findings. A 2-year-old girl with a splenic lesion (not shown) is studied with abdominal MR. a FSE T2 sagittal MRI: two similar cystic lesions are found (arrows). S stomach, LK left kidney, SP spleen. b, c FSE T2 axial MRI: a gastric and a jejunal duplication cyst are shown (arrows) in both images. Surgical findings: multiple EDCs

Newborn with
a cystic abdominal mass on prenatal US. Surgical images show the round mass arising from the mesenteric border of the ileum.The diagnosis was ileal duplication.

duplication cysts in children: varied presentations, varied imaging findings. A 4-year-old boy in a routinary US control of a horseshoe kidney. a Abdominal ultrasound view of an EDC (black arrow) with a peripheral eccentric hypoechoic cap (white arrows). b Surgical findings: the gastric mucosa was visible as a polypoid mass (white arrows) arising from the external surface of the EDC (black arrow)

duplication cysts in children: varied presentations, varied imaging findings. An 8-month-old boy with abdominal pain. a Longitudinal grey-scale US image showing a cystic lesion with an incomplete septum inside (small white arrows), next to the terminal ileum (big arrow). The “Y” sign is shown (dashed-line arrow). b US image obtained a few seconds later: peristalsis of the cyst causes small angulation of the contour and changes shape (black star). c Surgical findings: ileal duplication cyst

duplication cysts in children: varied presentations, varied imaging findings. An 8-month-old boy with abdominal pain and abdominal mass on physical exam. a Longitudinal US view of a multiseptated cystic mass in the right flank with the “Y” sign (white arrows). I ileum, L liver, Ps psoas, RK right kidney. b Transversal US of the same mass demonstrates the relation with the ileal walls. c Surgical findings: ileal duplication cyst

duplication cysts in children: varied presentations, varied imaging findings. A 3-week-old term newborn with abdominal distention and gastric intolerance. a Longitudinal US view of the right low quadrant: thickened wall (stars) cystic lesion next to a bowel loop (dashed-line arrow). The “Y” sign between the bowel and the lesion (arrow). b Power Doppler US demonstrates the significant vascularisation in the cyst wall. c Surgical findings: a cystic tumour next to the ileocecal valve. Pathological findings: ileal duplication cyst with heterotopic pancreatic tissue

duplication cysts in children: varied presentations, varied imaging findings. A 3-year-old boy with fever and abdominal pain is studied. a US shows a cystic mass (star) with internal debris and next to an ileal loop (L). b The lesion (star) is surrounded by echogenic mesenteric fat (*) as an inflammatory sign. Surgical findings: a 5-cm ileal complicated duplication cyst was found with gastric mucosa with haemorrhagic and ulcerated walls

duplication cysts in children: varied presentations, varied imaging findings. A 14-month-old girl with acute gastroenteritis and continuous crying. a Abdominal US shows an intestinal intussusception with a cyst (C) as the leading cause. L liver, RK right kidney. b A detailed US view: the intussuscipiens (arrows) and intussuscepted bowel (arrowheads) with the cyst inside (C) and the hyperechoic and thickened walls. Surgical findings: ileal duplication cyst as the cause of the intussusception
Duplikationszyste des Dünndarms
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