Duplikationszyste des ösophagogastralen Übergangs

duplication cysts in children: varied presentations, varied imaging findings. A 22-week-old fetus with an abdominal cyst seen on ultrasound is studied with MR. a Coronal fetal FIESTA MR: a cystic lesion is seen next to the stomach (S). Oesophageal lumen is seen (arrows). b FIESTA transversal MR: the hypointense wall of the suspected gastric duplication cyst (arrow). L liver, S stomach. c Postnatal abdominal US view: the lesion (star) imprinting the gastric wall (arrow). The content of the stomach is seen (S). SP spleen. Surgical findings: duplication cyst of the oesophageal-gastric transition
Duplikationszyste des ösophagogastralen Übergangs
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