ektope Magenschleimhaut in einer Duplikationszyste

duplication cysts in children: varied presentations, varied imaging findings. A 2-year-old girl with fever and abdominal pain. a Abdominal US view of a complex cystic lesion (white arrows) in the duodenal area, next to the liver (L). GB gallbladder. b Axial gadolinium-enhanced GRE T1 demonstrating the presence of a multilocular cystic mass (white arrows) with wall thickening. c Axial T2 MRI: the mass (white arrow) shows three cystic cavities inside, close to the anterior wall of the duodenum (dashed-line arrow) and lateral to the gallbladder (star). Surgical findings: multiple duodenal duplication cyst, without connection with the lumen and with ectopic gastric mucosa
ektope Magenschleimhaut in einer Duplikationszyste
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