Femoral head-neck offset (femoroacetabular impingement)
Femoral head-neck offset is a measurement for characterization of hip morphology.
Femoral head-neck offset is used for quantitative characterization of the femoral head-neck junction, in particular in the setting of suspected femoroacetabular impingement for the detection of cam morphology and preoperative planning.
The distance between the tangent of the femoral neck and a tangent cutting the femoral head is obtained with both tangents paralleling the femoral neck axis.
In addition, a head-neck offset ratio can be determined by dividing the femoral head-neck measurement by the femoral head diameter . This can be done radiographically from lateral views of the hip or with CT or MRI
Radiographically a femoral head-neck offset ratio <0.17 is considered indicative for cam morphology .
Femoral offset measurements in the anterosuperior position in MRI yielded the smallest values with a suggested threshold of 6-7 mm with sensitivities and specificities in the 55-65% range .
See also