femoroacetabulares Impingement vom Cam-Typ
Impingement vom kombinierten Typ mit geringer Pincer-Komponente und deutlicher Cam-Komponente bei einer 67-jährigen im Röntgenbild.
Impingement links vom CAM-Typ im Röntgenbild bei einer 50jährigen Frau: Kräftiger, fokaler, knöcherner Anbau am Übergang vom Femurkopf zum Femurhals. Zusätzlich zentrale Verschmälerung im Gelenkspalt als Zeichen einer Koxarthrose.
MRI for the
preoperative evaluation of femoroacetabular impingement. Diagram outlining the mechanisms of chondral and labral injury in cam impingement. The main focus of injury is the chondrolabral junction. There is relative sparing of the labrum until later in the disease process
MRI for the
preoperative evaluation of femoroacetabular impingement. Oblique axial (a) and coronal (b) proton density (PD)-weighted MRI images in a 30-year-old man with a cam deformity. There is an osseous protuberance (arrows) at the femoral head–neck junction anterolaterally, with loss of offset of the femoral head–neck junction. The physeal scar extends lateral to the circular region of the femoral head (dashed circle) on the coronal image
MRI for the
preoperative evaluation of femoroacetabular impingement. A 26-year-old man with FAI. a Coronal PD-weighted image shows a cam lesion at the femoral head–neck junction (open arrow). There is chondrolabral separation, with a cleft between the labrum and cartilage (arrow). A paralabral cyst is also seen (black arrowhead). b Sagittal PD-weighted image shows chondral delamination near the transition zone anterosuperiorly (white arrowhead)
MRI for the
preoperative evaluation of femoroacetabular impingement. A 36-year-old man with cam-type FAI and severe osteoarthritis. Coronal (a) and sagittal (b) PD-weighted MR images of the right hip demonstrate chronic degeneration of the labrum (arrowhead). Chondral loss with extensive bone-on-bone contact is seen over the superior femoral head (white arrow). Subcapital femoral neck osteophytes are also seen (black arrow). Reactive synovitis with effusion is demonstrated (asterisk)
femoroacetabulares Impingement vom Cam-Typ
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Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu femoroacetabulares Impingement vom Cam-Typ: