fetthaltige Schildrüsenläsion

– Prevalence in Computed Tomography and Suggestions for Pragmatic Management: Thyrolipoma on computed tomography of the chest in a 70-year-old woman undergoing imaging because of a suspected pulmonary embolism. There is a well-circumscribed fatty mass in the right lobe of the thyroid (arrows).

– Prevalence in Computed Tomography and Suggestions for Pragmatic Management: Thyrolipoma on computed tomography of the chest in a 61-year-old woman undergoing imaging because of chronic cough and suspected chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The found thyrolipoma is connected to the surrounding fat tissue via a fatty band, a finding named the “scoop sign”. Density measurements showed fat isodensity (−83.8 HU).

of the thyroid gland:A case report from Syria: Fig. 1. Ultrasonography of the thyroid gland reveals large spherical nodules.