fetthaltiger Tumor endobronchial

A rare cause
of post-obstructive pneumonia: endobronchial fibrolipoma. Chest X-ray (frontal and lateral projections) shows a right hilar opacity with indistinct borders, diagnosed as pneumonia of the right upper lobe.

A rare cause
of post-obstructive pneumonia: endobronchial fibrolipoma. Chest CT [axial (a and b) and sagittal sections (d)] shows post-obstructive pneumonia caused by a complete occlusion of the anterior segmental bronchus of the right upper lobe due to hypodense mass.

A rare cause
of post-obstructive pneumonia: endobronchial fibrolipoma. Chest CT [axial (a and b) and sagittal sections (d)] shows post-obstructive pneumonia caused by a complete occlusion of the anterior segmental bronchus of the right upper lobe due to hypodense mass.