Fibrovaskulärer Polyp

Polyp in der Schluckuntersuchung: (a) Der intraluminale Tumor dehnt sich nahezu über die ganze Länge der Speiseröhre aus. (b) Als Reaktion auf den chronischen Fremdkörperreiz lassen sich zirkuläre oder spiralige Kontraktionen beobachten.

für fibrovaskuläre Polypen, links in der Computertomographie (von Kontrastmittel umspült), rechts in der Endosonographie. In der Endosonographie wird der echoreiche, weiche Tumor an die Seite gedrückt (im Bild nach links unten). Durch die intakte Schleimhaut und die Weichheit kann er trotz der Größe eventuell übersehen werden.

fibrovascular polyp of the oesophagus: a case report and review of the literature. Barium oesophagogram showing dilatation of the entire oesophagus, multiple air bubbles, and filling defects.

fibrovascular polyp of the oesophagus: a case report and review of the literature. Serial axial images of the chest computed tomography scan (a,b,c,d) from the level of upper oesophagus to the level of the stomach reveal a soft-tissue, large intraluminal lesion. The polyp originates at the anterior wall of the cervical oesophagus (arrow in a). Axial computed tomography image (mediastinal window setting) shows an area of fat density (arrow in d). Reformatted coronal computed tomography image shows the entire length of the polyp (e).

fibrovascular polyp of the esophagus - imaging techniques can localize, preoperatively, the origin of the stalk and designate the way of surgical approach: a case report. Barium esophagogram showing a filling defect of almost the entire esophagus with a sausage-like intraluminal appearance.

fibrovascular polyp of the esophagus - imaging techniques can localize, preoperatively, the origin of the stalk and designate the way of surgical approach: a case report. MRI T1-W axial image: a mass- like lesion is seen in the posterior mediastinum arising from the right anterior mucosal wall of the esophagus.

fibrovascular polyp of the esophagus - imaging techniques can localize, preoperatively, the origin of the stalk and designate the way of surgical approach: a case report. MRI T2-W axial image: the esophageal tumor appears non homogenous, with sharp margins.

caused by a fibrovascular polyp: a case report. Lateral chest x-ray showing a shadow ventrally of the vertebra in the posterior mediastinum. Insertion shows a barium swallow with a large tubular intraluminal mass in the proximal esophagus.

caused by a fibrovascular polyp: a case report. CT scan showing the large polyp in the esophagus nearly occluding the lumen.

fibrovascular polyp in the hypopharynx: a case report and review of the literature. Radiological findings. a, b: Contrast-enhanced computed tomography scans revealed that the tumor (arrow) occupied the oral cavity to the esophagus (a axial, b sagittal). c, d: T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging revealed a high-intensity area within the tumor (arrow) (c axial, d sagittal)
Fibrovaskulärer Polyp
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