Fluoroscopy vs fluorography
Fluoroscopy and fluorography are very similar imaging techniques and, in many instances, can be performed on the same equipment.
Fluoroscopy vs fluorography
- low current (0.5-5 mA), continuous or near-continuous x-ray exposures
- relatively low signal to noise ratio (SNR)
- prioritises temporal resolution for procedures
- 512 x 512 pixel matrix with 8-bit greyscale
- real-time imaging viewed on a display monitor in the clinical room
- relatively intense (50-1000 mA), pulsed x-ray exposure (pulses are of short duration and applied at 1-12 pulses/second)
- relatively high SNR
- prioritises spatial resolution for diagnostic purposes
- 1024 x 1024 pixel matrix with 10-bit greyscale
- images usually viewed after acquisition